Title: The Strength of Faith: Ali Zadi’s Journey of Courage
Presenter: Humaira Hydari
This lesson introduces the powerful dua LÀ Hawla wa lÀ Quwwata illÀ bi’llahi ‘l ‘Aliyyi’l-‘Azim (There is no power and strength except by Allah, the Most High, the Great), described by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) as a treasure from Paradise. It teaches children to trust Allah for strength and guidance in challenging times.
Story Summary:
Ali Zadi, a young girl, finds comfort and courage in reciting the dua after the sudden loss of her father, who used to recite it every night. Through this, she overcomes her grief, helps her family heal, and learns to trust Allah’s guidance and strength.
Key Learning Points:
- The meaning and significance of the dua.
- Trust in Allah brings peace and strength in difficult times.
- Practical ways to incorporate the dua into daily life.
Children are encouraged to recite the dua during challenges, trusting Allah to guide and protect them, just as He did for Ali Zadi.