In the Holy Quran, Surah 3, Ayah 103, Allah says:
“And hold firmly to the Rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.”
While explaining its meaning, Allamah N. N. Hunai writes in his book ‘Treasure of Knowledge’ that Allah never asked His rope to encompass the people; instead, He ordered the people to hold fast to it.
In this context, the question of why people did not recognize the true Imam should be addressed to the people, not the Imam. The Imam cannot be asked why he did not perform luminous miracles to invite the people. The Rope of Allah is very strong and very long, has always been there, and is eternal. This rope symbolizes the chain of the light of the prophets and imams, which continues from Prophet Adam.
In conclusion, the responsibility for scattering into sects rests on the Muslims, not on the Rope of God, which did not forcefully bring them together in one place.
This Course Series has been developed for Global Ismaili Jamāat – One Jamāat
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